Assignment 1

Remember only worth 10% so here's the place to 'learn from one's mistakes'.

You are to construct a poster for a 'science fair' that will explain the different learning theories that psychologists propose (at least 5) and explain what different teaching/learning designs are suggested as a consequence of these theories. 

The details of the assignment can be found here. I've also posted a blog about how you might think about the poster display which I was a co-author on. Go to this page to get more details.

For those of you Doing Summer School

Here are some observations that we've noticed from students that completed the assignment 1, so bear it in mind when you're doing yours.

  • For the most part, many students were liberal in their ‘cutting and pasting’ of information into the poster. That’s not a terrible thing - but they should really acknowledge where they had got their information from. 
  • However, the big complaint about this was that you were specifically asked to design the poster for a science fair at a school with the aim of making it understandable and comprehensible to an intelligence 15 year old. Most of assignments submitted copied from sites that even a postgraduate psychology student would have to slow down and think hard what was being written about, definitely NOT in the realm of a 15 year old’s understanding level!
  • Many students pasted in diagrams (great) but these diagrams didn’t appear to explain much. Remember as a poster, these types of diagrams need to be more or less able to explain a nugget of information by itself. Normally your main body text might explain the diagram or refer to it as a piece of clarification of what you’ve written.
  • There were some very imaginative posters given. The ones that I appreciated the most were actually the ones with hand drawn pictures. So do not feel that the pictures need to be 'professional' or 'real' or copied from the internet. 
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